Ron Cole Bridgeforth, human rights activist, has been involved in social justice, literacy, and mentorship initiatives throughout the last sixty years. His work took him to Mississippi, the Bay Area, and the Midwest. As a SNCC Field Secretary in the 1960s during the struggle for Civil Rights, he was a Project Director, organizer and educator in Mississippi as well as San Francisco.

As a community college counselor and educator in Michigan, he organized student development and community education programs focusing on Africa American history and culture. He continues as an educator and advocate for social justice with the Civil Rights Movement Archive, where he facilitates intergenerational explorations of social justice and human rights issues that confront us today.

In Oakland, Baba Cole has served as a Mentor and Board Member with the Alameda County Court, Crossroads Mentoring Program. He continues to serve with the Brotherhood of Elders Network, on the Leadership Council, and on the Education Committee. He remains committed to supporting the next generation of leaders.